Happy New Year to everyone! May your holiday be full of awesome experiences, powder snow and great drinks.

It was the New Year’s Day of TOSHIRO’S BAR’s 5th year. Thank you all those who spent count down for 2019 at TOSHIRO’S BAR for coming.
It would be much happier if we could make a toast for coming year together, but Toshiro was just crafting cocktails at the very moment of New Year. Yes, we missed a count down toast this year!
We closed at 1:00am as usual, and had washed plenty of glasses for 2 hours… This is also our usual work on New Year’s Day.
Once again, Happy New Year to all. We are excited to see you at TOSHIRO’S BAR on New Year’s Day. And Toshiro will craft delicate cocktails for you this year as well as so far